May we introduce...

Our Service Project

July 6th 2021

During our Zonta Hamburg June Challenge we visited our service project for the very first time! In honour of this special occasion we would love to introduce the youth center to you:


The Mädchentreff Mümmelmannsberg focuses their work on fairness and equality regarding gender, race, religion, social background as well as lifestyle.


It is an important sanctuary for girls to develop and talk about sensitive and gender-related topics outside of male-dominated spaces. Two social workers and their collegues are always happy to listen to the girls and support them in any situation.

Running for a good cause

Zonta Hamburg June-Challenge

July 1st 2021

Together with the Zonta Club Hamburg we organized the Zonta Hamburg June Challenge!


For a whole month we buckled down and collected as many kilometers as possible. For each kilometer we ran or biked, sponsors payed us money. With these donations we supported the projects "MäiBi - die 2. Chance" as well as the youth centre "Mädchentreff Mümmelmannsberg" for young girls. With this challenge we wanted to contribute to the important topic of education in Hamburg during the global pandemic.


Every participant also paid 15 Euros as a starting fee which went directly to the projects we supported. This means that everyone, no matter how many kilometers they collected, did their part to achieve our donation goal.


What we achieved:

When we started planning our first joint challenge in April we never dreamed that it would become such a success!


Here is what we achieved in just 30 days:

  • 221 participants (including six teams)
  • 20.194,06 kilometers (that's the distance from Hamburg to Hongkong!)
  • 13.664 Euro donations!


Thanks again to everyone who participated!


International women's day 2021

March 8th 2021

This year's International Women's Day had the motto "Choose to Challenge". Together with the Golden Z Club Luxemburg and the Golden Z Club Bremen we started a social media campaign. The whole day we concerned ourselves with the question when do we, as women, feel empowered? We shared our answers in short videos on our Instagram channel @goldenzhamburg. Check it out!

Unser Instagram

Golden Z Hamburg-Hanse